
Best Good Deeds in Islam

Best Good Deeds in Islam

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The best good deeds in Islam are reasons for answering prayers, removing calamity, raising ranks with God, rewarding good ones, and raising good words.  

Good deeds are a crucial part of a Muslim’s life and an essential way to God’s pleasure, rewards, and ultimately Jannah (paradise). 

Performing good deeds is a path to righteousness and an expression of obedience and gratitude to Allah.  

These deeds are often discussed in the Quran verses and Hadith, which guide how people can excel in their actions and worship away from sin.  

This article explores the best good deeds in Islam and explains how they contribute to the Muslim faith and reward in the eyes of God. 


What are the Best Good Deeds in Islam in the Eyes of Allah? 

The best good deeds in Islam are those that bring a person closer to Allah SWT and reflect their sincere faith.  

Islam teaches that good deeds should not only be outward actions but also driven by correct intentions and a humble heart.  

Allah SWT rewards those performing deeds with sincerity, for the sake of pleasing Him, and per the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH).  

Here are the Best Good Deeds in Islam  

Faith and Tawheed (Monotheism)

The first and most important deed in Islam is faith in the oneness of God (Tawheed).  

Believing in Allah as the only deity and worshipping Him alone is the foundation of Islam.  

This deed defines a Muslim’s life and is the key to entering Jannah.  

Praying (Salah)

Prayer is one of the most significant good deeds in Islam.  

Prayer in Islam Steps Simplified, performing daily prayers (Salah) five times a day is an act of worship that strengthens a Muslim’s connection to Allah.

It is a means of seeking forgiveness for sins and showing obedience to Allah’s commands.  

At Hadith The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of prayer, stating that it is the first thing a person will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment.

Charity (Sadaqah)

Giving charity, whether in small or large amounts, is another excellent deed in Islam.  

Charity is not limited to money; it can also include time, resources, or even a simple smile.  

Prophet Muhammad said, At Hadith “The believer’s shade on the Day of Judgment will be his charity” (Al-Tirmidhi).  

Islam encourages people to give regularly and to do so sincerely, to help others for the sake of Allah, as this is one of the Islamic values.  

Charity purifies wealth and brings immense blessings. 

Fasting (Sawm)

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is an obligatory act for all adult Muslims.  

It is a time to purify the soul, practice self-restraint, and increase one’s devotion to Allah SWT.  

Also, fasting means empathizing with the less fortunate and earning rewards that are multiplied during Ramadan.

In the Quran, Allah promises great rewards for those who fast with sincerity and devotion.

Good Character

Having good manners and character is a highly praised deed in Islam.  

The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character” (Bukhari).  

Being patient, respectful, truthful, and forgiving are all ways a Muslim can demonstrate good character. 


Doing Good Deeds in Islam  

In Islam, doing good deeds is not just about completing specific tasks;  

It is about having a sincere intention behind every action.  

The Quran and Hadith are filled with guidance on how Muslims should conduct themselves in their daily lives.  

Emphasizing that good deeds should be consistent with the principles of justice, compassion, and humility.  

At Hadith Prophet Muhammad said, “Indeed, actions are judged by the intentions behind them” (Bukhari).  

This means that the value of any deed depends on the intention behind it.  

Encouraged Muslims to do deeds with a pure heart, seeking God’s pleasure alone.

Even simple tasks, like helping a neighbor or being polite, can carry great rewards if done with the right intention.  


Easy Good Deeds in Islam 

While some good deeds may require time and effort, there are many simple ways to do good deeds in Islam.  

These small acts can have a profound impact on one’s life and the lives of others.

Saying “Bismillah”

Starting any task by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) is a simple but significant deed.  

It helps remind the individual of their Islamic values and keeps them grounded in the remembrance of Allah.  

By doing this, the action becomes blessed and the reward more likely.


A simple smile can go a long way in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Your smile for your brother is an act of charity” (Bukhari).

Helping Others

Helping others, whether it’s by offering assistance to a neighbor, holding the door open, or even giving someone directions, is an easy deed that can earn rewards. Islam teaches that helping others, whether in small ways or large, is a means of showing compassion and fulfilling the rights of fellow human beings.

Giving a Good Word

Saying kind words and offering compliments to others a considered a good deed in Islam.
A word of encouragement or gratitude can lift someone’s spirits and bring happiness. Islam places a great emphasis on the power of words, as they can either build up or tear down.

Best Good Deeds in Islam

Easy Ways to Get Good Deeds in Islam 

Here are some simple yet effective ways people can earn good deeds every day from Islamic values.:  

  • Recite the Qur’an

: The reward for reciting even a single letter of the Qur’an is immense.  

Encouraged Muslims to recite the Quran regularly, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.

  • Make Dhikr

: Remembrance of Allah (dhikr) can be done at any time. Reciting phrases like “Subhan Allah” (Glory be to Allah), “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah), and “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) brings peace and rewards.  

  • Offer the Sunnah Prayers

: In addition to the obligatory five daily prayers, the Prophet Muhammad recommended offering voluntary prayers (Sunnah), which are easy to perform and carry great rewards.  

  • Help the Needy

: Even the smallest act of charity can earn a person a good deed.  

Whether it’s donating money, food, or time, helping those in need is a highly reward deed with Allah. 


Reward for Good Deeds in Islam.  

Islam commanded believers to follow the truth and the light of the Almighty’s guidance, as conveyed by His messenger.

Reported that even the smallest, good deed, when intended sincerely, is promised a reward equal to or greater than its weight in the balance of justice.

Subhaan Allah, the religion of truth emphasizes the sustenance of good over evil, urging believers to race towards complete faith and righteous actions.  

On the Day of Judgment, the congregation of believers will witness the Almighty’s answer to their efforts, based on their deeds and days spent striving in His path.  

Those who are wronged in this life will not be forgotten, for Allah’s justice is perfect and His promises are eternal.  


Good Deeds in Islam That Allah Loves.  

Allah loves deeds done sincerely and to seek His pleasure.

Some of the most beloved actions include: 

  • Tawbah (Repentance).

Turning to Allah in repentance for one’s sins highly rewarded deed.

Allah loves those who seek His forgiveness and strive to correct their wrongdoings.  

  • Helping the Poor and Orphans.

: Allah greatly rewards those who care for the less fortunate and orphans.  

  • Spreading Peace.

: Islam encourages Muslims to spread peace and avoid conflict.



Good Deeds in Islam for Kids 

Encouraging children to perform good deeds from an early age is essential in instilling Islamic values.  

Kids can be taught simple kindness such as saying “Bismillah” before meals, being respectful to parents, sharing with others, and helping with household chores.  

These small deeds will help children grow up with a strong sense of faith and obedience to Allah.  

Scholars said that a child who has not yet reached puberty is not punished by Allah for the commitment of bad deeds. Or the abandonment of things of worship.  

A valid Child’s performance of Prayer is recorded as a valid act of worship and rewarded, though it is not obligatory for him.




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