Interpretation of the Qur’an for children in the correct way

Learn about the best methods of Interpretation of the Qur’an for children and the rules of interpreting the verses of the Qur’an for children
The common approach in schools and kindergartens is for the child to memorize the Qur’anic verses and short surahs gradually. To postpone difficult verses and surahs to a later stage.
The best methods of interpretation of the Qur’an for children
Introducing the child to what the Qur’an is:
The child must first familiarize himself with the meaning and nature of the Qur’an. In a manner appropriate to his age before he begins to identify the meanings of verses and surahs and their interpretation. The Qur’an is stories and lessons from ancient times to be considered a believer. It contains provisions and rules to organize our daily lives, where we find in the Holy Qur’an the teachings of Islam that guarantee living in the world in the right way and guarantee us entry to Heaven. The child must also know that the Qur’an is preserved, free from distortion.
Focusing on the Qur’an stories for children:
The Qur’an contains many stories about the apostles, prophets, and previous nations. Since children love stories. Simplifying Qur’anic stories and transforming them into a tale is one of the best methods of interpreting the Quran for children, provided that the child’s age and level of awareness are taken into account. The story is linked With the verses that indicate them. In the libraries, you will find illustrated stories that mimic the Qur’anic stories that will also be useful.
Focusing on the Qur’anic vocabulary that the child can relate to the environment:
In the Qur’anic vocabulary and words. There are many images that the child can relate to the surrounding environment. During the daily observation of the meaning of the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Shams: (And the sun when it clears it, and the moon when it follows it, and the day when it covers it, and the night when it covers it)
Answering the child’s questions about the Qur’an:
It is not necessary to escape from and answer the child’s questions about the Qur’an. But rather these questions must be taken care of and answered with answers that suit the child’s age. At the same time not be deceptive or misleading. So he gets stuck in his mind what is wrong or incorrect. Parents who do not know the answer to these questions can turn to religious teachers or search on the Internet.
Relying on the means of teaching the Qur’an to children:
It is good to teach the child to spend some of his own time listening to Qur’anic channels. Or recordings intended for children to explain Qur’anic stories and verses. The use of smart applications designated for this purpose.
The use of modern means:
Most of us are using and relying on them in many of our lives. Such as using educational videos and smart applications aimed at teaching the Qur’an and simplifying its meanings, which the child is attracted to and enjoys at the same time, such as the application of the small interpreter to interpret the Holy Qur’an.
Interpreting the Qur’an for the child with competitions and games:
These competitions are between him and his brothers or between him and himself. Such as questions about the Interpretation of the Qur’an for children. So that the answers are proportional to the age and understanding of the child. The game of the missing word from the verses of the Qur’an to complete the meaning. Complete the Qur’anic story or extract the lesson from it. These are linked Competitions with in-kind prizes, with a focus on the idea of religious reward that a child obtains for understanding and memorizing the Qur’an.
Encouraging the child to participate in competitions and solve puzzles outside the home: makes it easier for him to perceive and understand the meanings and develops the spirit of competition between him and the members of his generation. Obtaining a moral or material prize increases his desire to understand and memorize the Qur’an and its meanings.
Education tools for the interpretation of the Qur’an for the child
Every child has a psychological and temperamental nature that can be used to explain anything to the child. Speaking about the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, it is necessary first to identify the child’s behavioral patterns and the most appropriate ways for the child’s behavioral pattern and thinking patterns, which facilitate the interpretation of the interpretation to him:
The visual pattern:
the visual pattern is the child who understands and comprehends things better through pictures, posters, or prints. Such means can be used to convey the correct meanings to the child and simplify their understanding. The need to pay attention that these Quranic pictures and cards are not a means of tampering and playing, but rather the purpose of interpreting the Book of God and Simplifying its meanings. They should not be scattered or neglected. This is also part of developing respect for the Qur’an and God’s words in a child.
The kinesthetic pattern:
the child with the kinesthetic style can better comprehend interpretation and information while moving or through interactive games. The verses can be interpreted and find meanings in the elements of nature during walks and picnics, or kinesthetic play by asking the child puzzles and motivating him to find appropriate synonyms and meanings. For example, placing the interpretation cards on one side of the room and the verses cards on the other, so that the child combines them on a board on a third side.
The auditory pattern:
It is very important to listen to the Qur’anic verses constantly, by choosing a quiet recitation at an appropriate speed for a reader that the child prefers and who is comfortable hearing his voice. Its interpretation to him and clarification of its meanings. There are channels on YouTube that contain both reading and interpretation, and parents can record the interpretation in their voice.
The best Quran learning program for children.
Although most children can be classified within the aforementioned patterns, this does not mean that the auditory child does not understand the image, that the kinesthetic child cannot be relied on with audible means or that requires calm. The best program for teaching children the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and their memorization of its verses is to find a formula that combines all audio, visual, and interactive styles, the style closest to the child excels without neglecting the rest.
Rules of interpretation of the Noble Qur’an for children
Understanding the correct interpretation from the parents First:
The first rules of interpretation of the Noble Qur’an for children that those who explain to them or teach them from among the parents or educators are familiar with the principles of interpretation of the Qur’an to avoid making mistakes or providing incomplete, confusing or wrong interpretations to the child, and therefore he must at least be knowledgeable He can research, compare, and generally understand the meanings of the verses before presenting the interpretation to the child.
He must also have the courage to face what he does not know. So he does not do the interpretation on his own. But asks the people for knowledge about it.
Explanation of the reasons for descent to the child:
There is nothing in the Qur’an that is absurd, God forbid, and every verse in the Qur’an has a meaning, significance, and reason. Therefore, the reasons for descent are considered among the most important keys to interpreting the Qur’an for children. The elephant, and the reason for its revelation is to remind people of what happened to the enemies of God. When they tried to demolish his sacred house.
It must be taken into account that some of the reasons for descent are difficult to explain to the child according to his age, and the appropriate verses and surahs must be chosen and gradually ascended with the age of the child and the expansion of his understanding and awareness.
Proficiency in the Arabic language:
Most of the rules of the Arabic language are derived from the Noble Qur’an and not the other way around. The Holy Qur’an is present when teaching the child the rules of the language to remember the verses he memorized and reconnect them with what he learns of the language.
And do not underestimate the importance of the correct pronunciation of the noble verses and the vocabulary in them, as there is a vast difference between “God fears – by including distraction – from the worship of scholars – open to the other” and the Almighty’s saying in Surah Fatir verse 28: (Only God fears from His servants the Highest). The first, which is false, means that God fears His knowledgeable servants and God forbid, and the second, which is correct, means that God’s learned servants fear Him and fear His wrath, may He be glorified because they know the truth.
Simplifying the meanings:
One of the most important rules of interpretation of the Noble Qur’an for children is to start with the simple surahs and verses in terms of meaning, length, and purpose. Therefore, it is desirable to start with the shortest surahs and then with the verses that tell the Qur’anic stories, before moving on to the more complex verses.
Determining the lessons learned:
Interpretation of the Qur’an for children must be associated with the purposes of the verses and their distant meanings, and what God Almighty wants us to understand from His verses and adhere to it. This is by identifying the lessons learned from the verse and the surah. Then explain them to the child easily and easily, then ask him about them for review.
Encouraging the child to link between ideas:
The child must have the ability to link the meanings of verses and their corresponding in the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet. And what is related to them in daily life. In compliance with everything stated in the Holy Quran.
Focus on faith and behavior:
Interpreting the Qur’an must be an integral part of instilling faith in God Almighty in the child. The meanings that the child understands from the Holy Qur’an must be part of his daily life, his belief in God Almighty, and his application of the teachings of Islam. It is useful to remind the child of some religious teachings and meanings. And the values he learned from the Qur’an and Hadith when he makes a mistake or sees a mistake in front of him.
Mistakes to avoid when interpreting the Qur’an for children
Interpreting the Qur’an easy: Parents should not interpret the Noble Qur’an easily – they say what they do not know – the one based on the interpretation of the Qur’an for children must be sure of the correctness of the meaning he says, and he should seek the assistance of the people of knowledge whenever that is necessary.
Intimidation and violence:
Attention must always be paid to encouraging the child to read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. Makes this experience enjoyable for him, even when talking about the verses of divine torment and the hereafter, the interpretation must be appropriate for the child’s age and awareness.
Choosing long surahs and complex verses:
One of the mistakes that some make when interpreting the Qur’an for children is choosing long surahs in which the child may lose his focus and cannot connect their meanings. Or choosing complex verses in the linguistic structure or meaning, which makes the child afraid to think and consider the meanings of the Qur’an Therefore, it is desirable to start with the shortest surahs and the easy verses.
Intimidating the child is one of the meanings of the Qur’an:
Some verses in the Holy Qur’an were revealed to be a lesson for people to frighten them from God’s torment, judgment, and threat, and make them deviate from His promise and the desire to please Him and His Paradise. The child will not be able to understand and realize the meaning of the verses of intimidation and threats. Choosing the appropriate verses for his age and understanding and explaining them to her to make him endear him to religion and the Noble Qur’an.
Entering into the details of the complex jurisprudential rulings:
The Qur’an contains many religious and social legislation. Rulings may have many complications, so when interpreting the Qur’an for the child. These must be communicated these issues with a simplified explanation. To avoid mentioning their details and complexities such as inheritance, divorce, and others. Where the explanation will be These details the child at a later stage when his age and consciousness allow.
Memorizing the interpretation without understanding it:
What the child must memorize is the verses of the Qur’an itself, not its interpretation. The interpretation is the subject of understanding, awareness, and awareness of the meanings of the vocabulary and the meanings of the verses and messages that it is trying to convey to us. Therefore, the approach to interpreting the Qur’an for children must be based on understanding and clarifying the meaning by possible means.
The importance of interpreting the Noble Qur’an for children
Introducing children to the word of God:
Interpreting the verses of the Noble Qur’an for the child to know the meaning of the Qur’an and its value in our lives. As the child understands that God Almighty revealed this great book to our Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. To straighten our lives and set basic rules that lead us to heaven. give us great rewards by understanding it and saving it.
Introducing the child to the basic source of religion:
The Qur’an is the basis of religion and is the primary source for all rulings in our Islamic religion. The child’s knowledge of how to interpret the Holy Qur’an. Its verses will help him to understand the most important sources of legislation. The mechanism of linking the Holy Qur’an with the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet will prevent him in the future from falling into the traps of misguidance and suspicion. and segmentation.
Understanding is a condition for working with the teachings of the Qur’an:
the Qur’an was revealed to be acted upon, and a person can’t abide and work with what he does not understand. It is greater than the virtue of memorizing it, especially if the memorization is without work.
Gaining the reward and reward of learning the Qur’an:
Parents and children receive a great reward for reading the Qur’an and contemplating its meaning. This reward is not only because the Holy Qur’an is the most honorable science. But also because its interpretation of children is part of the parents’ duties, and the child’s understanding of it ensures his stability in his religion and his deep knowledge of the teachings of God Almighty.
Showing the child with honorable Islamic morals:
The interpretation of the Noble Qur’an for children. Is one of the most important approaches to raising the child on good Islamic morals. The verses of the Noble Qur’an include many teachings that explain lofty human values, clarify human instinct, and reject every deviation from common sense.
Strengthening children’s religious scruples:
Religious faith is one of the most important deterrents that preserve and protect human society from crime, degeneration, and delinquency. Beginning with children from a young age by planting Islamic principles in them. Teaching them their religion from its highest source, the Noble Qur’an. Which contributes to strengthening the religious and moral scruple. That protects the child from The evils of society and the evil of itself in the future.
Occupy the child’s time with something useful:
The child’s accustoming to the Holy Qur’an reading and understanding is part of his daily routine. Which helps him to use his spare time perfectly, not only by allocating time for the Holy Qur’an. But the child will realize that he has to use his spare time for work. That is compatible with the presence of the Holy Qur’an. In his life, his memorization and understanding of the words of God Almighty. So even if he wants to play a game or a hobby, his choice will follow what he learns and understands from the matters of his religion. So he is only preoccupied with what is useful.