Quran for kids

How to teach prayer to children and accustom them to correct prayer

Learn about the most important ways to endear a child with prayer and the steps to teach prayer to a children and accustom them to the correct prayer

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Islam urged to encourage children, help them, and be kind to them and preferred to teach children the obligation and conditions of prayer from an early age. To teach children the correct prayer and how to perform it.

Steps to teach prayer to children

Teach prayer to children
Teach prayer to children

Parents must teach children the correct method of prayer, starting from the age of seven. Parents can use videos and pictures to find a simple method that children understand and embed in their memory. As for the steps of teaching prayer, they are as follows:

Teaching them the intention:

The first and most important step for the worshiper to begin his prayer, the teacher or the parents must explain to the child the meaning of the intention in prayer, as if the child had in mind that he would pray before starting the prayer, almost from God and a desire to please Him.

Teaching ablution:

Parents must teach their children the method of ablution and teach them that prayer is not valid without purity and cleanliness, and this is by asking the child to represent what his father does of washing hands and feet and the steps of ablution and to repeat what he says in an integrated manner without error, and this follows that The child performs ablution, monitors him and corrects his mistakes, and the child can be rewarded upon completion to raise his confidence and increase his desire to pray.

Receiving the qiblah:

The child stands next to his father or teacher and learns from him how to face the qiblah and determine its direction accurately without turning around. For this to be possible, the child must know the four directions.

The Opening Supplication:

This means instructing the child to say, “I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan,” after placing the right hand over the left hand, and teaching him what is meant by that movement, with the previous saying that it is the opening supplication with which he begins the opening of his prayer:

Reciting Surat Al-Fatihah:

Parents must teach the child and memorize him at the beginning of his learning to read and write some Qur’anic verses with easy Arabic terms and explain them to the child as they came in the Holy Qur’an. until he finishes reading it.


The child watching the one who is praying from his father, brother, or teacher raises his hands in line with his ears, says the phrase “God is great” and then repeats that previous movement until the child learns and masters it.


Parents must explain to the child the meaning of bowing and how to do it, and they represent to him how the worshiper bends and holds his knees with his hands with the spine straight in glorification of God, and here the child can be caught in case he is not able to fully stand upright, with the repetition of saying “Glory be to my Lord the Great” three times, In a quiet voice. This step is considered difficult to apply to a small child, and here it must be re-represented for the child and re-applied by the child himself while teaching him the five daily prayers and memorizing the number of rak’ahs in each prayer.

Raising from bowing:

After learning to bow, the child must be taught how to raise himself from bowing and say at the same moment, “God hears those who praise Him.” When he stands ready, the child says, “Our Lord, praise be to you.”


The prostration in front of the child is as follows: lowering the knees and palms of the hands to the ground steadily, then bringing the nose and forehead close and touching the ground, with the following saying: “Glory be to my Lord the Most High” in a calm voice far from noise and chaos.
Sitting between the two prostrations: After prostrating, there is what is called the prostration session, which is sitting and placing the back of the right foot on the sole of the left foot and placing the forearms on the thighs with the saying “God is great” and then prostrating again, and the movement is repeated until the child can do it.

The Tashahhud:

It is not difficult to teach the child and teach him the words of the Tashahhud if he repeats them in the morning and evening every night to memorize them, especially if the child goes to the mosque constantly. Peace be upon us and the righteous servants of God, I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Abraham and the family of Abraham, in the worlds You are Hamid Majeed.


In the last step in the prayer, after the Tashahhud, the parents teach the child to turn to his right and say “Peace be upon you and the mercy of God,” then to his left, and repeat the same sentence “Peace be upon you and the mercy of God.” Thus, the child has finished his prayer.


Mistakes a child must learn to avoid in prayer

When teaching your child to pray, it is normal for him to make wrong movements or forget some movements due to his small capacity due to his incomplete development, and here comes the role of parents in participating and supporting the child when he performs prayer and correcting mistakes, if any, and among the most common mistakes that your child may face during prayer is what follows:

Pray quickly:

The child must realize the goal of prayer, so he should not treat prayer as a mere physical obligation that must be completed and completed as soon as possible.
Turning around during prayer: Because the child is afraid and unable to understand the importance of keeping calm during prayer, the most movements he will suffer from is turning around when he prays, hence the role of the parents in allocating a special place for him to teach him to pray and the importance of calm when performing it.

Forgetting the steps of prayer:

Children suffer from poor memory due to distraction by many things, and one of the most common mistakes that a child may make is forgetting the step that precedes or follows the step he wants to take.

Sitting suddenly:

the child may think that he can sit when he feels tired or bored during prayer, and therefore the parents should teach him the obligation to fully adhere to prayer and not mistake it, and that he cannot take one step over the other or sit at a time when he cannot sit without intimidating him or anger him.

Talking with others:

In addition to the previous points, the child’s conversation with other worshipers or others invalidates the prayer, and the child must know, that it is forbidden to talk or speak with others when he prays, as if the father says to him that he must not listen and not respond to others when he is in prayer and Be humble before God Almighty.

Departing from prayer:

especially at the beginning of learning, the child may see that he can sing or talk about something outside prayer, such as talking to his family about a situation or story that happened to him or that he feels hungry, and the parents must compel the child to pray and not go out of it nicely and to ask the child That he repeat the same movements that the father made only and that they will hear his stories after completing his prayers.

Ways to teach children to pray

Accustoming the child to prayer enhances the love of God and the maintenance of prayer continuously and without interruption.

Watching the way of prayer:

Parents and teachers can use modern educational means, for example, some pictures and videos that help the child and explain the correct method of prayer, under the supervision of the parents while practicing all the movements of prayer in front of the child.

Taking the child to the mosque:

Another way to accustom the child to performing prayer is to take the child to mosques to watch the worshipers perform the correct prayer, and that is daily so that he is attached to the mosques and loves to pray, and he can sit with the righteous and learn from them good morals and love of God.

Praying in front of the child:

The child should be taught to pray by appearing in front of him through his father or brother, through his participation and starting to pray in front of him, teaching him step by step, and being patient with him and not harassing him or yelling at him and staying away from hitting him, and the parents must repeat the steps greatly so that the child can Performing the movements of prayer, and the child should be rewarded for his performance well, to link prayer with the path of salvation and victory in Paradise.

Teaching him to pray with his peers:

It is encouraging for the child to teach him to pray with his friends because of this internal stimulus to acquire the skill of performing prayer, as education and teamwork can gain the child from his friend skills that may be absent from his memory during prayer.

Teaching prayer at school:

The school has a fundamental impact on the psyche of the child and can raise the child correctly, although religious lessons are few, they have a complementary effect on parents, mosques, and religious places in teaching the child to pray to his teacher, and this is considered one of the rights of the child in school.

Avoiding harsh punishments:

Getting used to prayer comes from continuous practice in the first place, but getting used to the correct humble prayer comes from the child’s love for prayer his love for God Almighty, and his desire to perform his duties, and this cannot be with the presence of harsh penalties for missing prayer that make the child alienate from prayer. He waits for the opportunity to avoid it, or at least gets used to it as a physical act, not a heart and spiritual one.


The importance of prayer for children

Teaching children to pray is a duty of parents, as it is considered the direct link between the servant and his Lord, and given its importance, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. The importance of teaching the child to pray is manifested in several points, including:

Love of God and closeness to Him:

Parents should teach the child the importance of performing the five daily prayers and linking prayer with the satisfaction of God Almighty on man, by talking to them about God’s power and that he loves the strong believer who performs prayer and protects him throughout his life and excels in his studies and work.

Acquiring and strengthening good morals:

One of the things that children should be taught is that prayer cleanses the soul and renews life.

Learn the steps of correct prayer:

The importance of prayer is manifested in teaching the child and introducing him to the steps of prayer through correct ablution and performing the obligatory prayer in a good manner.

The child learns the difference between what is permissible and what is forbidden: when the child goes and sits with the worshipers and talks with his father about the importance of prayer while mentioning the honorable prophetic hadiths, he will be able to distinguish between what God has permitted and what he has forbidden, and this helps in his upbringing in a correct and virtuous manner.
Organizing time: When a child learns to pray, he will see that the value of time is great and that he can divide his time in a way that pleases God.


The most important way to endear a child with prayer

Endearing a child to prayer is a very important matter, which parents should pay attention to.

Linking success and goodness with prayer:

When a child grows up loving prayer from a young age, he will deal with it as something he loves himself.
Talking about Paradise: By training the child that the more he performs the prayer at its full time, the greater his chance of entering Paradise.

Follow the method of reward and motivation:

following the principle of motivating the child and rewarding him when performing the prayer by presenting what the child wants at the completion of the obligatory prayer, such as offering a chocolate bar buying some sweets for the child, or participating in a park, all of this helps the child and encourages him to pray.

The child’s friendship with his peers who love to pray:

One of the ways that the child endears himself to prayer is to meet with his companions and friends and perform the obligatory prayer with each other, as this encourages the child to love learning and mastering prayer.

Provide a place designated for the child’s prayer:

Make the child privacy during prayer. Such as offering him his prayer rug and praying in a place designated for him at home, so that he knows that it is important to be away from the noise and be in the hands of God Almighty.


This is by making the child happy and feel comfortable and satisfied when praying. Parents must avoid violence, shouting at the child, beating, or verbal abuse. But rather direct the child to imitate you and make you an example for him and take your words.

Nurturing Faith: Fajr Al-Quran Academy’s Online Courses for Kids to Enhance Prayer

In the fast-paced digital age, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, Fajr Al-Quran Academy emerges as a beacon of traditional wisdom, offering online Quran classes specially designed for children. In a world where distractions are abundant, nurturing a strong foundation of faith becomes essential. Fajr Al-Quran Academy stands at the intersection of technology and tradition, providing a unique platform for kids to connect with the Quran and strengthen their prayer life.

The Importance of Early Quranic Education:

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of early education, and Fajr Al-Quran Academy recognizes this by tailoring its courses to engage and educate young minds. The early formative years are crucial for instilling the values of faith and spirituality. By offering online Quran courses, the academy seeks to make the Quran more accessible to children. Ensuring they develop a deep understanding of their religious identity from a young age.

Interactive Learning Experience:

Fajr Al-Quran Academy employs cutting-edge technology to create an interactive and engaging learning experience for kids. The Quran online courses for kids are designed with age-appropriate content, captivating visuals, and interactive exercises that make learning the Quran a joyful experience. Through a combination of videos, quizzes, and games. Children can explore the verses of the Quran in a way that resonates with their youthful curiosity.

Qualified Instructors:

One of the strengths of Fajr Al-Quran Academy lies in its team of qualified and experienced instructors. These educators not only possess a deep understanding of the Quran. But also have the expertise to connect with children effectively. The instructors use a child-centric approach, fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment that makes children feel comfortable and eager to participate in their Quranic studies.

Tailored Curriculum:

Recognizing the diverse learning needs of children, Fajr Al-Quran Academy has developed a comprehensive and tailored curriculum. The courses cover fundamental Quranic teachings, including the recitation of verses, understanding their meanings, and incorporating them into daily life. The curriculum is structured to align with a child’s developmental stages, ensuring a gradual and meaningful progression in their Quranic education.

Building a Strong Foundation for Prayer:

The ultimate goal of Fajr Al-Quran Academy’s online courses for kids is to build a strong foundation for prayer. Understanding the Quran is intricately linked to performing prayers with sincerity and devotion. Through guided lessons and practical applications. Children not only learn to recite the verses but also comprehend the significance of the prayers they perform. This holistic approach ensures that children not only recite the words but also internalize the values and principles embedded in the Quran, fostering a profound connection with their faith.

Parental Involvement:

Fajr Al-Quran Academy recognizes the importance of parental involvement in a child’s Quranic education. The academy encourages parents to actively participate in their child’s learning journey. Providing resources and guidance to support the extension of Quranic teachings into the home. By fostering a collaborative effort between parents and educators. Fajr Al-Quran Academy aims to create a holistic learning experience that transcends the digital realm.


Fajr Al-Quran Academy’s online courses for kids represent a bridge between tradition and technology. Offering a modern solution to age-old aspirations of nurturing faith in the hearts of young Muslims. Through interactive learning, qualified instructors, a tailored curriculum, and an emphasis on parental involvement. The academy is not just teaching children to recite the Quran but guiding them to understand and cherish the divine messages within. As these young minds embark on their Quranic journey. Fajr Al-Quran Academy is sowing the seeds of a strong spiritual foundation that will undoubtedly enhance their connection with prayer and, ultimately, with their Creator.



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